Active Learning Using Padlet

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Learning Activity with Assessment Worksheet

Learning Objective(s)

  • TLW be able to assess prior knowledge using the course and tools within Moodle
  • TLW be able to develop active learning activities based on Bloom's Taxonomy using Padlet

Learning Activity

The learners will first navigate to the Padlet widget set up in the Moodle course and complete the activity. Then, they will be required to post a sample active learning activity that they can use in their classroom. The active learning activity will need to be specific to the content in which they teach. Next the learners will list (in parenthesis) what level of Bloom’s Taxonomy that the activity meets.

Example: 3-2-1 Atoms and Molecules (Comprehension)

Learners should develop activities that are not directly discussed within the course (discussions, choice, feedback, videos) and apply their content to the activity. In order for a learner to receive exemplar in creativity, learners should create activities that are available on the “Sample Activities” pdf (available in the Moodle course) or from outside resources. Learners can receive developed in creativity if they use an activity within the course (discussions, choice, feedback, videos), but change the activity so that it is not exactly the same as the ones posted.

This activity is the foundation to the project the learners will complete in week 4 of the course.

The web 2.0 tool Padlet has been set up for groups in Moodle. The learners will only see the Padlet that represents the cohort group they are in. The purpose of this is to make the posts easier to read and pull ideas from. The Bloom’s Taxonomy levels pdf is available to the learners in the Moodle course.
All learners will have access to each cohort groups Padlet after the closing of the assignment.

Appropriateness for Learners and Objectives: The activity allows users to develop and create active learning activities that they can apply in their own classroom. The main focus of this activity is for the learners to use prior knowledge, content, Bloom’s Taxonomy, and creativity to create their activities. The visual representation of Padlet is like a corkboard where learners can post ideas. The learners are using what they have acquired in the course to complete this activity.

Appropriateness for the technology: Padlet is a web 2.0 tools that is web based and can be accessed through or embedded in an LMS.
The initial demonstration of the tool (Padlet) will be available as a “how to” guide and video for learners who are not familiar with the tool.
After the closing of the activity, the Padlets will be made available to all learners within the course (pdf).
Padlet meets the ISTE standard “Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity”, where teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.

The web 2.0 activity Padlet:
a. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative processes

The tool used for this activity, could be used for face to face, online, hybrid, or flipped classroom environments.

Other uses of the tool in this assessment are:
Padlet offers an exceptional opportunity for learners to brainstorm, collaborate, and group ideas.  Learners can use Padlet to brainstorm ideas for writing, explore lines of inquiry, collect research, for grouping ideas, and collaborating on group projects.

The Learning Activity padlet can be found by going to:

Assessment Tool and Procedure

Learners will be assessed using a rubric which focuses on Text Communication, Completion, Creativity and Overall Quality. Learners can receive Exemplar, Developed, and Limited in four areas depending on the depth of the assignment created.

Rubric for Padlet Active Learning Activity




Text Communication

(active learning example with integrated content – how it will be used in your course)

text VERY clearly and effectively communicates and explains the activity

text SOMEWHAT clearly and effectively communicates and explains the activity

text DOES NOT clearly and effectively communicate and explain the activity


(active learning example with integrated content; followed by level of Bloom’s taxonomy in parenthesis behind activity title)

3-2-1 Atoms and Molecules (Comprehension)

Activity was completed as instructed

Activity was partially completed as instructed

Activity was not completed as instructed


Completely unique and one of a kind with content included
(created an active learning activity not listed in the course)

Somewhat unique with content included
(used an active learning activity in the course)

Not unique no content included or did not complete
(used an active learning activity in the course, but did not include how it could be used in their content area)

Overall Quality

Highest Quality – Could be used as a class example

Good Quality – Could use revisions and more creativity

Inadequate – Needs to be revisited and redone to meet the requirements for the assignment

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