Hi everyone! Happy Thursday = )
I was reading a blog recently and came across a site that I love! Thank you Lauren at http://iteacherlauren.blogspot.com for this great resource. I really enjoy listening to music and I use music all the time with my students and teachers for transitions and for different activities. I believe in the power of music to completely change ones learning mode and emotions.
This site is not only FREE, but fun in the way it lays out the music you choose.
Check out http://songza.com
Let's say it's Monday morning and your students are lagging. You want to get them engaged and ready to learn. Choose the topic that will fit...Click and play!
There are lots of topics to choose from and even music without lyrics for when your students are writing or focusing on an activity.

For iPad and Android users, there is an app for Songza!!

Disclaimer: With any music, note that songs with lyrics could possibly contain inappropriate words. Always Preview!
Have fun and happy listening!