Hi everybody and good morning! I wanted to blog about a site that I learned about in February and have been using ever since. I really enjoy it and the great ideas that are provided! I know as educators we are always looking for new strategies and ways to engage our audience.
The site is called Professional Learning Communities: Staff Development Strategies. The strategies that are posted are really great and can be used with students, teachers, and/or principals. The ideas are innovative and incorporate a modern twist. I love the use of technology integration in a lot of them.
I really like that you can choose your audience, different categories, and learning styles. There are many different aspects of this site as the Staff Development Strategies is only one part. Make sure to check out the Lesson Plans that are chalk full of great technology integration ideas. The goal of the site is to provide best practices for integrating technology into the classroom.
I love it and I hope you are able to use this information with your students, teachers, and/or principals.
You do not need to sign up to access to site.
To check out the full site click here-->http://teach.oetc.org
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